Friday, October 9, 2020

University of North Georgia (UNG-Oconee) Dual Enrollment Changes Update


COVID-19 2021 Dual Enrollment Admissions Changes

Due to canceled SAT/ACT dates, the University System of Georgia has made the decision to allow USG institutions to grant admission to Dual Enrollment students based on alternative admissions standards, including the use of the PSAT to determine admissibility.

Based on this new guidance, UNG has adopted the following admission requirements for Dual Enrollment students seeking admission for the 2021 semesters:
  • GPA remains at 3.25 as calculated on completed RHSC.
  • If SAT or ACT scores are available, utilize scores as usual to determine admissibility.


If SAT or ACT scores are not available or applicant does not meet minimum test score requirements, students may use PSAT scores for admission. PSAT scores must come directly from the high school guidance counselor and can be sent to PSAT test scores for admissibility:

PSAT Scores

  • 490 EBRW
  • 440 Math
  • 960 Combined


If no PSAT available or does not meet minimum scores, Accuplacer may be completed with following scores earned:

Accuplacer Scores

  • 243 Reading
  • 4 Writeplacer
  • 266 Math
Students taking Accuplacer for consideration of admission for Dual Enrollment will be allowed to retest one time.


PreACT scores can also be used for dual enrollment admission. These scores can be sent either directly from the ACT site or from the student's high school counselor.

PreACT Scores

  • 20 English or Reading
  • 18 Math
  • 20 Composite

Students who do not provide or meet current SAT/ACT test score requirements or alternatives would not be considered for dual enrollment admission consideration.