Saturday, January 23, 2021

2021 Hamilton Scholars-Application Deadline Jan. 27th


The 2021 Hamilton Award applicationcloses on Wednesday, January 27th! This is the last weekend to apply to this award for high school juniors. 

Alexander Hamilton Scholars recognizes young people for their academic, personal, service and entrepreneurial accomplishments. Up to thirty-five (35) students from across the nation are selected annually as winners of the Hamilton Award and subsequently enrolled in the five-year Alexander Hamilton Scholars (AHS) Empowerment Program.

2020 Hamilton Scholar, Andre Ramsey, will be attending Harvard University after graduating high school this spring. He says, "The AHS Financial Literacy curriculum is extremely important to me for many different reasons. As a high school student who is low-income and living on my own while managing all of my finances, the price of the college experience was something that was daunting. With the curriculum and knowledge that I acquired at my Virtual New York Leader Week, I came out of this experience with a hope for the future and a validation that I would know how to manage my finances in college, know where and how to acquire financial aid and be prepared for the financial process in my quest for higher education."