Monday, March 22, 2021

Apply To Georgia Southwestern for FREE

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Apply for Free

Georgia Southwestern is waiving the undergraduate application fee. Students may complete the online application at no charge, saving the normal $25 fee.

After completing the application, students would only be required to submit their Official High School Transcript to complete the application process.

GSW Online Application

Learn More about Southwestern
Watch and share this video
 to learn everything Southwestern has to offer students like yours. Also, GSW Admissions Team is always available to answer your student's questions and help them experience life at Southwestern by taking a tour of campus.

Join Us for a Preview Day:
Saturday, April 17th
Saturday, May 18th

Nursing Guaranteed Acceptance Program (GAP)
GSW's School of Nursing is ranked #1 in the state. The GAP offers a select number of exceptional students the opportunity for a $1000 on-campus housing scholarship and guaranteed admission into the nursing program. The final priority deadline for GAP applications is May 1st. Encourage your future nurses to apply today.

GAP Information

There has never been a better time to become a GSW Hurricane. Our plan for Fall 2021 is a return to normal, with all the events and activities that students enjoyed before the pandemic.

Please contact us at 229-928-1273 or with any questions. Our Admissions Team would enjoy the opportunity to meet your students and showcase the GSW campus experience.

Warm Regards,
Jonathan Scott
Director of Recruitment and Admissions