Nominate a rock-star girl in your school or community for IIG After-School: Personal Finance!
Invest in Girls, a program of the Council for Economic Education, is offering a series of after-school virtual workshops for high school girls to learn all about personal finance and get smart(er!) about money.
With IIG After School, students can learn how to be the CFOs of their own lives.
Topics to be covered include: - Creating a budget
- Using credit cards
- Understanding interest rates
- Paying income tax
- Careers in finance
IIG's after-school workshops will run from the week of April 12th to the week of May 24th. Each will include successful women who work in the finance industry today.
We believe every girl should feel confident about money matters. At IIG After School, students will meet like-minded girls and get to hear from inspiring women working in finance so they can start building their own networks and invest in themselves. ❊
Please share the link to our online interest form (below) and tell them it's because you believe in them—and want them to be confident and feel financially empowered. |