Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Just Talk Workshop

 The University of Georgia (UGA), the Georgia Center for Civic Engagement and the Athens Chautauqua Society are sponsoring a 4 day workshop, Just Talk, June 27 - 30, 2022, for Athens area high school students. The goal of this workshop is for these students to explore and participate in discussions about important social issues, under the direction of UGA faculty and pre- and in-service social studies teachers. The attached flyer provides details about the workshop, including a link to the application form (https://forms.gle/UYASwswBcH1vtXfK9). 

The application deadline is May 1stWe hope to have a diverse group of up to 30 student participants

The workshop will be held at Aderhold Hall on the UGA campus in Athens. Students who attend will earn a certificate of completion, 15 hours towards Georgia’s Civic Engagement Seal, and a t-shirt. The cost of $40 will be waived for students who receive free/reduced lunch upon request. Lunch will provided; transportation will not be provided. 

Thank you so much for your help. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at teresathompson2468@gmail.com.