Friday, May 20, 2022

Explore Bowdoin Fly-In Program


Bowdoin students and a professor use scientific equipment while conducting research on the Maine coast.

We hope you are having a great spring! We are thrilled that our annual Explore Bowdoin fly-in programs will be returning to in-person programming this fall.

Explore Bowdoin is an all-expenses paid college visit program for low-income and/or first-generation high school seniors.

We hope you will share Explore Bowdoin with students who might be a good match. We value your insights and appreciate your help in suggesting students to Bowdoin. 

About Explore Bowdoin
Students in our Explore Bowdoin program will meet with current students, gain support and confidence in the college admissions process, and experience the coast of Maine. Attendees will also have an admissions interview and meet individually with our student aid counselors while on campus.

Bowdoin handles all of the logistics and covers the cost of the program, including transportation to/from campus, lodging, and meals for the duration of the student's trip. 

Explore Bowdoin 1: September 15–17, 2022
Explore Bowdoin 2: October 13–15, 2022

The priority deadline to apply to either Explore Bowdoin session is August 17.

Learn more at a virtual information session.

Encourage your students to learn more at one of our 15-minute Explore Bowdoin information sessions. Each presentation will be followed by a live Q&A. Counselors, teachers, students and their families are all welcome to attend.

Bowdoin welcomes students of all backgrounds.

  • 17% of our first-year students are the first in their families to attend college
  • 42% identify as US students of color
  • We welcome students from every corner of the United States—regardless of citizenship status—with California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New York, Texas, and Washington among our heavily represented states.
  • Bowdoin is need-blind in our admissions process and we meet 100 percent of demonstrated need with no-loan financial aid packages. We waive our application fee for any student applying for financial aid or who will be the first in their family to attend college. 

If you meet this criteria and would like to be nominated, please reach out to your counselor.