Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fall 2014 Class Schedule, Coming to a Computer Near You Soon!

Your Fall Schedule will be visible on PowerSchool on July 30th.  Please take a minute to look at it and make sure that it looks balanced (not too many easy classes, not too many hard classes), make sure if you registered for two classes in a pathway or two math courses that the second one is not first semester, and make sure that you have handled your summer reading responsibilities.  The fact that you have not done the reading is not a legitimate request to change a schedule.  From this point moving forward, we will scrutinize requests to make sure that they meet one of the following criteria for a change:

-Need a specific course to graduate that is not on the schedule
-failed a class and need to repeat the course
-earned credit for a course listed on the schedule already
-teacher recommendation for a level change
-schedule needs to be balanced (2 academic courses with 2 electives, for example)
-changing levels in a class (regular to honors)
-Adding academic courses to the schedule
-Pathway change

To initiate a schedule change, you MUST come to the counseling office and fill out the pink schedule change request form.  Emails and phone calls are not sufficient to get a change in your schedule.  Do the form. 

At this point in the summer, our schedule is incredibly tight, and many classes are already full.  This means that a change may not even be possible.  Our apologies in advance.