Saturday, August 2, 2014

Parents, Please Take Care of This Important Bit of Business

The beginning of another school year is quickly approaching.  In order to have accurate information for new and existing students when school starts, the school system needs parents to update their children’s information in the system’s student database---PowerSchool.  It is very important that the schools system’s student information is accurate.  First and foremost, it is for the safety of your children.  Each school will know how to contact a parent/guardian or a designated person should it be necessary, what the student should be doing for afternoon transportation, who has permission to pick up a student, what medical needs the student may have and much more.
In an ongoing effort to eliminate some of the paperwork that parents are required to complete the first week of school, the parent of record is able to access the “Parent Power School” program from our website where he or she can review the existing information and make any changes that may need to be made.
To update this information, parents can go to and click on “PowerSchool” located under “Quick Links” on the right hand side of the North Oconee High School home page.
The schools would greatly appreciate it if parents would update their children’s information by August 29th to ensure all student information is correct on the first day of school.  With the parents’ assistance, the schools will be able to better serve the students’ and parents’ needs more effectively.
Please contact your child’s school if assistance is needed.