Anxiety is a word that is used often in today's society. Our office is not immune. Anxiety has been a popular talking point in many of our recent training sessions and professional discussions. Through many of the conversations, one main point continues to surface. Anxiety is NOT always a bad thing- in moderation and the correct framework, it can actually prompt a positive change within an individual. A great article published recently in the New York Times provides insight for how we (parents and educators) can continue to provide context for our students on the role of feeling uncomfortable while working through emotions to develop a skill set of resiliency.
How To Harness Your Anxiety
Many times students use the term anxiety when they are referring to being nervous or uncomfortable. We want to teach them appropriate terminology and help them "channel" those feelings in an appropriate manner. Acknowledging feelings and growing from them is a natural part of growing up. If feelings of an extreme nature begin taking over their life and impacting decisions that they make, then further discussions should scheduled with a professional.