Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Underclassman Honors Night Info.

North Oconee will hold the Underclassman Honors Night on May 12. Invitations have been mailed out to the students who will be receiving awards. One common question that is asked about Honors Night is "what things are recognized?" Each department will recognize students for outstanding performance in each of the courses taught- for example, the singular student from all the students who took Biology will be recognized and so on. In addition to these awards, outside entities who have established awards, like Furman, UGA and National Merit will have awards to be presented. Unfortunately, honor roll and all As are not recognized at Honors Night. Keep up the hard work, though. We do recognize all As at Senior Honors Night at the end of your four years with a very special gift. If you are concerned that the invitation may have gotten lost in the mail, please feel free to email He can check the list to make sure.