Saturday, February 6, 2016

Free Scholarship and Financial Aid Help from

Searching for Scholarships 101 Video Course:

- What are Scholarships?
- What Are the Different Kinds of Scholarships?
- How to Find Scholarships
- How to Apply for Scholarships - Essay Tips
- How to Apply for Scholarships - Letter of Recommendation Tips
- Avoiding Scholarship Scams

Each video is about 1.5 - 2 minutes long. Each video has an accompanying text section as well. We hope that this video course will make the scholarship search process easier for students, parents, and families.

Lastly, we wanted to share our private student loans guide. The videos are ad free and helpful to anyone planning on going to college. Obviously scholarships are better than student loans, but the information may be useful for the now 7 out of 10 graduates leaving campus with student loan debt. Here is the guide:

We hope you enjoy our videos and guides.