Thursday, April 14, 2016

Great Books Program at Mercer University


I am an Associate Professor of Chemistry and the Director of the Great Books Program at Mercer University (Macon, GA). I’m reaching out to you to share information about our summer Great Books Academy, a summer liberal arts program for high school students. I believe many of your students would appreciate our interdisciplinary approach. I hope you will share this email and attachments with interested students and other teachers. There’s still time for us to consider applications (plus, it is a short form)!

The Academy is a five day/night liberal arts summer program for high school students (July 10-15). Students will receive an introduction to reading and discussing the greatest texts from Western heritage, with authors ranging from Plato to Shakespeare. Participants also will perform hands-on liberal arts activities in such diverse fields as genetics, theater, music, art, and astronomy. All discussions and activities will be led by Mercer faculty. Interested students also will be scheduled to meet with our dedicated pre-law and pre-health advisors.

Students will see first-hand how liberal arts education works at the college level without any pressure of graded work. All reading will be done on campus with Mercer faculty and current students; there is no work to do ahead of the program. Participants will work closely with Mercer faculty; this could provide students with additional sources of recommendation letters for their college applications.

I attached a SHORT priority application and a promotional flyer. Both provide additional details on what is included in the program fee. We request that applications are received by April 15th as the other program co-director (Dr. Charlie Thomas, philosophy) and I will be tailoring the reading list and activities to the interests of our accepted high schoolers. (This requires significant coordination with other faculty.) Admission offers are rolling, and I hope to include some of your students this year.

Please share this information with students, parents, and other colleagues. It is a great opportunity to boost a resume, get college-level experience, and live away from home for a week.

If you or your students have any questions, please let me know. They may contact me directly or at the email address on the application. Thank you for sharing this information.


Kathy Kloepper

Co-director, Great Books Academy