Tuesday, April 19, 2016

National Cyber Warrior Academy - A GenCyber Summer Camp

National Cyber Warrior Academy - A GenCyber Summer Camp will be held this summer from June 19th through July 1st, on the Dahlonega Campus of the University of North Georgia, for rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.

If you have students who are thrilled by computer science and operating in cyberspace, please pass this information to them.  They can apply for this intense and exciting two weeks of learning from highly qualified PhD University of North Georgia instructors.

There is no cost to them.  The program is funded by a grant from the National Security Agency/National Science Foundation GenCyber program.

For more details and to apply, students should go to  www.ung.edu/cyber/academy.   They will need a letter of recommendation from a school official with their cumulative GPA (unweighted) indicated.

Admission is competitive!  We will select the top 40 applicants on May 20th.