Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Summer School

It is April 26th, 2016, and there is still time to get your work ethic in gear and get your class passed. This will alleviate the need to give up any of your summer to do a summer school class, but if this situation is unavoidable, you should consider the following information:

Making a high F is better than making a low F.  Students who make a 60-69 in an English, Science, or Social Studies class [a 65-69 in a Math class] AND have passed the Milestone (formerly known as EOCs, which were formerly known as EOCTs) are eligible for a cheaper and easier option known as Course Extension.  This option will replace the failing grade with a 70 so that the F never even happened, though we will denote on the transcript that the 70 was earned in Course Extension.  This option can keep crazy disaster happening to a HOPE GPA.

Making less than a 60 [or a 65 in Math] can be made up in Course Recovery.  This is the harder, more expensive option that will not replace the F.  The student will get a whole new grade in what was completed in summer school.  The F still goes into the HOPE GPA Calculation, and remember that it takes three As to make up for one F...ouch.

If you get that sinking feeling that you are on the summer school train, print the application, fill it out and return it to the Guidance Office, and we will help you get situated into a class this summer.

Summer School Information

Summer School Application