Saturday, April 23, 2016

To wait list or not, that is the question...

During this time of year, the counselors at NOHS wait with bated breath to see how our students will fare in the college admissions process.  As we begin to work with students and help them process their decisions, we are often asked about joining a wait list.  Georgia Tech has posted a great article on their admissions blog (see link below).  I believe that it is packed with great advice.

If your student is a senior, please let us know how your admissions decisions panned out.  We are as anxious to hear the results too!  Your feedback allows us to evaluate our recommendations regarding college admissions and gain insight as we move forward with the class of 2017.

Also, seek us out if your student has questions about where they are with their college decisions and financial aid.  We are here to help in any way that we can!

Georgia Tech Admissions Blog: The Wait List...