Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fall 2015 Schedules Will Be Released on Thursday, July 21

Fall 2016 Schedules will be visible on Thursday, July 21st. 

Your Fall 2016 class schedule will become accessible on Power School this week.  We have reached a point where we believe all incomplete schedules have been fixed.  We appreciate your patience as we have encountered some technology issues this summer that caused us to not have access to your schedules.  Incomplete schedules have been our priority since we are quickly approaching our release date.  We have worked diligently to have every schedule 100% by the 21st.  

Please take a moment to look at your Fall schedules and look for issues, the biggest of which is for balance. Balance is where we hope to get an even amount of academics across the two semesters.  For example, if you are taking four core classes this year, a balanced schedule would be one that has two core courses in the fall and two core classes in the spring.  If you see that your schedule in the fall has too little or too many academic courses, this is a cause for a legitimate schedule change.  The other issue you may see is there might be two classes during the same class period or one block that is empty.  This is a problem that is a legitimate schedule change request. 

The other reasons for legitimate schedule changes are as follows:
need a specific course to graduate
failed and must repeat a specific course to graduate
earned a credit for course listed on the schedule in the regular day, summer school, on-line, etc.
teacher recommendation for a level change
balancing (as mentioned above)
changing levels (i.e.- regular to honors)

*If your schedule change is not for one of these legitimate reasons, please do not submit a change request form.

Please note that we do not make "change of teacher" schedule changes.  Please do not ask to switch teachers.

Also, we do not make changes to put certain classes in the morning or afternoon.  A popular request is to put weight training 4th period.  It is full.  Please do not submit a request for this.  Along with that requesting a specific course for a certain period is not a request that we will give consideration either. 

Lastly, schedules are EXTREMELY tight this year.  We are not able to guarantee that we will be able to honor your legitimate schedule change requests.  We will do our best to make the changes that we can for acceptable requests, but it may not be a possibility. 

If you have a request that falls within the parameters listed above, please come by the guidance office to complete a schedule change request form.  No emails or voice mails about schedule change requests will be addressed, only forms will be considered.  The office is open Monday through Friday from 8-4.