Thursday, September 15, 2016

Poetry Competition for Students

Our English Department would like for all NOHS students to become aware of this academic competition.  Activities like Poetry Out Loud can add depth to a resume for the Governor's Honors Program, college applications, etc.  Please consider entering if poetry is a passion for you!  

My name is Emily Cobb and I am the Poetry Out Loud Coordinator for Georgia.  Poetry Out Loud is a poetry recitation competition that occurs across the country for high school students (grades 9-12).  The program is a great way to teach students about poetry and to inspire them to try a new creative outlet.  It is also a great way to earn funds for your school, and for the students that win.  Participating in Poetry Out Loud also looks great on college applications.

The competition is FREE for all participating schools and students.  Each student will select from an anthology of poems to memorize and recite for competition.  The competition is designed for students to learn how to understand, memorize, recite, and perform poetry.  This requires students to complete an analysis of structure and content, to interpret connotative and figurative meanings, to consider point of view (author and/or character;) and they must read closely to determine what the text says (just to name a few anchor standards.)  Then students are asked to use the highest order thinking skills possible to translate and create what they know about the text into a unique performance that uses subtle gesture, posture and physical presence to embody the meaning of words.  This is everything about increasing the rigor of learning for all students, as each student is able to approach it from his or her own level.  AND it aligns with the required high school curriculum in Georgia.

There are many tools to help with teaching and implementing POL in your school.  There are lesson plans, videos of past performances, step by step instructions of how to hold a competition in your school, free workshops for students and teachers, and more!  These tools are available online and will be mailed to every participating teacher for FREE.

The competition consists of several levels; each participating school will select their own champion to move onto their regional competition.  Those who are selected based on their performances at the regional competitions will move onto the state championship in March 2016.  Our state champion will move onto the national competition in Washington, D. C. in May 2016.

Each state winner and second-place winner will receive cash prizes along with their schools receiving stipends for poetry books and supplies.  The national winner will receive $20,000 and the second-place winner will receive a $10,000 award; the third-place winner will receive $5,000; and the fourth- to ninth-place finalists will each receive cash awards. Their schools will receive $500 for the purchase of poetry books.

To get involved in POL and to become a school coordinator please go to:

To learn more about POL and to find online materials please go to:

Poetry Out Loud is a wonderful program and resource for students to learn about poetry.  I want to continue the program and make it bigger and better than ever this year.  As the state coordinator I will be helping you all the way through the school year to make POL the best that it can be for your students.
Thank you for your commitment to your students. Please let me know if I can be of help to you in any way. My goal is to support you in using the arts to reach your students.


Emily Cobb
Outreach Programs Coordinator
Poetry Out Loud State Coordinator
Atlanta History Center | Margaret Mitchell House
130 West Paces Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, Georgia  30305
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