Monday, February 27, 2017

CEO of My Life Summer Experience

Are you interested in innovation and developing your entrepreneurial skills?  Georgia Tech is the Flagship location for a program that was designed to make a difference in the lives of young people and their future.  CEO of my Life is a program that has been backed by Georgia Tech, Google, Panasonic, Netflix, and AT&T and it seems to bring a variety of experiences to participants that can lead to personal and academic growth.  The program promises to offer an opportunity for students to create sparks in areas of innovation, fine tune problem solving skills, and empowers students to think critically and differently about their future.  If your student would love the opportunity to create their future by design, this might be a great opportunity for them to consider.

Applications are now available and they will fill up quickly.  If you are interested in learning more, please review the materials below.  The point of contact for this program is:

Annette Barbee
Regional Program Coordinator
CEO of My Life Summer Experience at Georgia Tech
CML Global Institute Inc.
404.369.3120 ext 705