Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How To Handle Getting Into Your Dream School and How To Handle Not Getting Into Your Dream School

We are very fortunate to have high achieving and motivated students at NOHS.  A large majority of our students work very hard to perform to their highest level of potential.  For many of them the college admissions process is the first time that they may encounter any type of rejection.  They may have their heart set on a school that was competitive for them and for some reason or another, they didn't make the admissions cut.  An article that was posted on the JLV blog struck a chord with me- it is not where you start but where you end up that matters.  It is our hope in the counseling office that our students realize that college admissions does not define you.  It is a rat race that has MANY factors that can impact admissions decisions and there are AMAZING students that will not gain entrance into the school of their choice.  However, there are other colleges around the corner that just might be a better fit for you and your ambitions!  If you need help processing where you are with the admissions process, please seek out your counselor.  We are here to help you think through your options and make a plan that works for your family.

Just as we have students that are heartbroken, we will also have students that do get into their dream colleges.  We want to celebrate with those students and help them through whatever remaining process we can as well.  As students on both sides are making decisions, please be mindful of individuals that are on the opposite side of the situation.  Rick Clark, Georgia Tech's Director of Admissions, blogged a great post of college admissions etiquette.  He sums it up in a "real" manner that I think will speak to both sides of the table.  Check it out so that you are mindful of how to treat others as they go through this season of their senior year.

How To Handle A College Not Accepting You- JLV

Be Cool- Georgia Tech Admissions Decisions Guide- Georgia Tech