We are pleased to announce that our online course AP® Italian Language and Culture is now open on the edX platform!
Registration is free and open to all, students and teachers alike.
The course will be open until June 1, 2019 and students and teachers can register now!
We would be grateful if you could advise any interested students and their families, as well as other teachers, about this unique opportunity.
1. Students who want to study on their own for the AP® Italian exam of May 2019 may register now for free on edX. All online material will become available immediately upon registration.
2. Students who want to study with the help of our teachers may register for one of ourOnline Live Instruction Classes: these are synchronous online classes taught in conjunction with the free AP® Italian Language and Culture course, and meet once or twice a week in the evenings and/or on Saturdays. Students will be part of a very small (max 6) online learning community and will practice the material they have studied in the free online course. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate from Wellesley College with a letter grade that they may present to their high school for registration on their transcript.
Thank you very much in advance for your help in spreading the word about this unique opportunity.
Should you have any questions, please contact us at: apitalian@wellesley.edu.
Best regards, Daniela Bartalesi-Graf and the AP Italian Team @ Wellesley College