Thursday, May 23, 2019

Pomona College Fly-In Program

Pomona College is excited to announce that the application for our annual diversity fly-in program Perspectives on Pomona (POP) is now live! Interested students can apply for one of two POP weekends this fall: September 21-24 or October 2-5, 2019.
POP provides rising high school seniors from diverse backgrounds who are traditionally underrepresented in higher education (including rural and first-generation students) the opportunity to experience being on campus, meeting students and faculty, and exploring academic and social opportunities at Pomona.
Participants receive on-campus housing (paired with a current student), meals in the dining halls and shuttle transportation between local airports and Pomona College. Travel grants are available to cover airfare expenses. POP applicants are also awarded fee waivers should they choose to apply to Pomona College. Applications and all application materials are due by August 4, 2019.