Friday, June 5, 2020

Resources For Families On How To Discuss Racism

We would like to acknowledge the severe unrest that is steadily occurring within our nation. To say that the year 2020 has been difficult and anxiety-ridden is an understatement.

Black Lives Matter

 As the world focuses on racism in America, lots of words and definitions are monopolizing news sources, podcasts, Facebook live, etc.. Does your child understand what those words mean? Why they are being discussed? Have you had conversations about racism with your child? Many families are unsure of how to initiate conversations about race and racism. The links below are provided to help you consider ways for talking through your thoughts on the topic.

 ***If your student has access to social media, they could be getting information from a variety of places. This is a time for you to ensure that they are absorbing reliable information and that they are taught to think critically about any source that they are learning from.

Also, American School Counselor Association (ASCA) maintains many resources to help school counselors and other educators work with students to help them cope with the current crises and bring about systemic change and has gathered resources from other organizations as well. These resources are available at and are open to students, parents, and educators.