Sunday, November 1, 2020

2020.2021 Youth Leadership Oconee Application

One of Oconee's premiere leadership groups have released their application for completion. 

Attached, you will find the application for the Youth Leadership Oconee program through the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce.  Please encourage any 12th or 11th grade students who want to further develop their leadership skills and channel those skills towards helping others and improving their community, to apply. Seniors will be given priority this year but juniors are able to apply for consideration.

As a reminder, payment for the program is due the first day of class.  Students will not be eligible to “graduate” from the program if payment has not been received. 

Due to safety protocols, all participants MUST have their own mode of transportation to each session,

and to move from location to location during each session. No participants will be allowed to ride with


All participants will be REQUIRED to wear a mask unless eating, drinking or outside with the ability

to properly socially distance. 

*Safety protocol may change as new COVID-19 guidelines are released or reversed, please plan to

be as flexible as possible.

Applications are due to the Oconee Chamber of Commerce by Friday, November 20th, 2020. Please see the last page of the application for more details.

 Oconee County Chamber Youth Leadership Application 2020.2021