Wednesday, February 17, 2016

SAT/ACT Test Prep: It Can Be a Big Deal

It is no secret that  (like it or not) the opportunities that a student will have beyond NOHS in the collegiate world will be governed by a test score.  The SAT or ACT is totally instrumental in college admissions and in merit-based financial aid, not the least of which is the Zell Miller Scholarship, a younger, smarter brother to the HOPE Scholarship.  It pays 100% of in-state tuition at a public college or university in the State of Georgia (requires a 3.7 HOPE GPA and a 1200 on the SAT at one sitting or a 26 on the ACT at one sitting).

There is no escaping the fact that doing well on these tests can put money in a student's pocket.  Here are some popular colleges that will pad a student's pocket because of a good test score:

If you do not see your school listed here, fear not.  This list is not exhaustive. Simply Google the name of the school + "scholarships."  One look, and you will know that an investment in test prep for the SAT and the ACT can be a gamble worth taking.  Though results are not a guarantee, it has been our experience that high school students raise their scores with good test prep that the student has ACTIVELY engaged with.

Five Points Test Prep

It is with this knowledge that we make you aware of an in-house test prep option for this spring with Five Points Test Prep.  They are going to teach a class to prepare students for the May administration of the SAT.  It will be a five week class that will be offered outside of school hours at NOHS.  No longer will students have to go to downtown Athens to get this valuable experience.  Classes will meet weekly March 26th thru May 6th, with the SAT being on the 7th.  If you would like to learn more about this opportunity to see if it is a good fit, Dr. Lisa Barrett, founder of Five Points Test Prep, will be at NOHS on the night of the Curriculum Fair on February 22nd in the Commons Area.  She will have flyers that share the specifics for the shortened five week version and information about the 12 week class as well.  Because the class will be offered at NOHS, this will save travel and will earn our students a slight reduction in the cost ($565, our price) of the program that is offered at their office in Athens.  The $565 investment could pay off in some good scholarship possibilities later on.