Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Message from AfterProm

Dear Parents,

Last week junior and senior parents received a packet concerning After Prom.  The week of March 14-18 we will be accepting early registration forms and taking orders for t-shirts.  We are in need of parents to collect the registration forms during all lunches next week. You do not need to be a parent of a junior or senior to help.  This is a community event, and we need parents of all students to help.  Please go to the sign up genius link below and sign up for an afternoon.

We encourage students to register now.  No money is required. Students do not need to register with a date, each student registers individually.  We will be collecting registration forms and taking sizes for their free t-shirt.  Once they buy their prom ticket in April, they will show us their ticket and then receive their t-shirt.  IF they decide they do not want to go to prom but still want to come to after prom, then they will pay just $10 at that time and receive their t-shirt.  There is truly no place the students can go where there will be live music, games, activities, movies, more food than you could possibly eat, and be with all of their friends.  Please encourage your student to attend and register next week.  Please help us out by signing up for one day to work next week.

Thank you in advance.

Patty Colalancia

2016 After Prom Chair