Thursday, March 10, 2016

Volunteer Opportunity from The American Red Cross

Thanks for being an American Red Cross blood donor and helping save lives! You can make an even bigger impact by encouraging high school and college students to check out the Leaders Save Lives program. This is a leadership and scholarship opportunity we offer to students during the summer and winter months, when donations typically decline.

Students will work hand-in-hand with the Red Cross to host a summer blood drive by recruiting their friends and family to make appointments to donate blood. By collecting at least 25 pints, students may become eligible to win a college scholarship and earn a gift card. High school students can also earn rewards for the High School Leadership Program.

To become eligible, students must:
Be currently enrolled in high school or college.
Host a Red Cross blood drive between June 1–Aug. 31, 2016.
Collect at least 25 pints of blood.
Please forward this message on to students who you think are leaders at their school and in their community and encourage them to sign up tohelp save lives this summer!

Your American Red Cross