Monday, March 7, 2016

What does it mean when a college uses a holistic admissions philosophy?

The college admissions process can be very complicated these days!  Working in this arena for several years has helped us navigate this process, however, there are always new things to learn.  We follow several admission blogs and they are FULL of great information.  Recently, I reviewed the following articles from Georgia Tech's admission blog.  I felt that it was worth sharing.  This article is relevant to anyone that is applying to a college with a holistic admissions process.  I found this article to be very eye opening and chock full of great insight for college applications/admissions.  Please consider following the admissions blog for the schools that you are interested in attending, you never know what nuggets of information you will find!

Holistic Admissions-Georgia Tech's perspective part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3