Thursday, July 28, 2016

Are you gearing up to take the ACT?

Many students are gearing up to take the ACT this fall for college admissions, scholarship monies, or to meet MOWR requirements.  Five Points Test Prep is a local test prep company that has been in the business of increasing SAT and ACT test scores for some time.  They have helped several of our students catapult their scores into a competitive admissions/scholarship range, when they would not have been competitive before their assistance.

If you are preparing to take the ACT soon, Five Points Test Prep might be able to offer you some pointers to help you increase your scores.  They will be running a 5 week course with 40 hours of instruction (8 hours per week:  2 hours, Tuesday, 3:50-5:50, Thursday, 3:50-5:50 and Saturday, 9:30-10:30).  It will also include practice tests and materials for $665.  There is a 10% discount for registering by August 5th.  The program runs from August 9th-September 8th.

If you are interested and would like to register, please email: with student name, contact information, current test scores (broken down by subject score), and college goals.  If there are special learning needs, please note.  Information is confidential, but it is important in individualizing instruction.