Monday, July 25, 2016

Youth Leadership Oconee 2016-2017

It’s that time of year again! Attached are the applications for Youth Leadership Oconee 2016-17.  There are two applications attached, one that can be printed to complete by hand and one that can be filled in online, then printed, signed and sent in.  They are also available on the Oconee Chamber website,  The deadline is Friday, August 19th.

This is for all parents and/or students of rising 10th and 11th graders.  
With an earlier due date, we are attempting to start this process before school starts to give families time to consider and apply for the program.   An earlier due date also give us time to completely evaluate applications and notify students of their acceptance for planning purposes.  

Students from all Oconee schools (public, private and home schooled) are being sent this application.  The program accepts up to 25 students.  Our hope is to have a mix of students from all schools.  

Involvement in YLO is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn more about their own backyard and expose them to a wide variety of issues.  The Community Connect Card is also attached and it will give you an idea of the time requirements OUTSIDE of our regularly scheduled sessions.

Please take note of the dates/times of the sessions.  ALL sessions are mandatory. Student athletes are encouraged to apply and participate, but it may require you having a discussion with your coach that you might need to miss one practice/game during your sport season.   Being a youth leader, and ultimately an adult leader, might require "difficult" conversations.  We are happy to help. 

 If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!  The facilitators for the 2016-2017 YLO class will be DeeDee Gaines, Sarah Caven, Angel Jackson and Bryan Bufford. We look forward to working with you.

See the Oconee Chamber website for the application or see attached.

Sarah Caven
Chamber Manager
Oconee County Chamber of Commerce