Saturday, September 3, 2016

Go Gold 4 Cure This September!

Many associate September with college football, homecoming activities, and hopefully cooler weather.  At NOHS, we want to make you aware that September is special to us for another reason.  September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  We have taken up the challenge to make our families and community aware of the statistics of childhood cancer and partnered with a group - CURE Childhood Cancer ( to raise funds for childhood cancer.

The diagnosis of cancer is overwhelming.  But when that diagnosis is delivered to a child, it is particularly devastating.  We are in the business of serving children and their families at NOHS.  When one of our students is diagnosed or comes to us with a diagnosis, we strive to support and fight along with our families.  Watching a student(s) fight and endure their treatment regime has opened our eyes to how critical the need is for research.   Losing a is heartbreaking.  The CURE Childhood Cancer organization offers HOPE that together WE can make a difference.  

This September, we are participating in the Coins4Cure program.  We are challenging the Titan Nation to step up to the plate and help us make a difference!  We are hoping that you will choose to give us all of your spare change or whatever monies you feel led to donate.  We are placing jars in our main office, guidance office, and will pass the jars around at football games to collect coins.  We have also instigated a grade level "war" during homecoming to raise money.  The class that raises the most funds, wins a prize.  All of the donations collected will be sent to CURE, in Atlanta (the fact that it is a local company that has hugely impacted families in our area is one of the many reasons we are supporting this program) and 100% of our monies will go to research for childhood cancer.  Did you know that currently on 4% of federal monies for cancer research is spent on children?  16,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and the incidence of childhood cancer has increased 24% over the last 40 years.  As a parent, those numbers are startling.  Please help us spread the knowledge and awareness of childhood cancer and donate whatever coins/monies you can so that we can help an agency that is helping so many!